Daily Archives: April 26, 2017

Top Pictures From This Afternoon

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Albert Einstein Most of these pictures were taken a within 50 feet of a busy highway between Boulder and Denver. But you will never seem this magic from your car. … Continue reading

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My Nobel Prize Proposal

The genetics Nobel Prize for 2017 should be given to whoever can figure out how to trade Miley Cyrus and Ashley Judd, for Freddy Mercury and David Bowie.

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Stunned – By Stupidity And Dishonesty

Last April, the fake news Washington Post said scientists were stunned by a warm day in Greenland. Scientists are stunned by what just happened in Greenland – The Washington Post They were stunned by a warm day in April, 2016, … Continue reading

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The Definition Of Insanity

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein Climate skeptics tend to be like a broken record. Many think they can win the climate debate through “science.” The debate hasn’t been about science for … Continue reading

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