Daily Archives: April 28, 2017

Family Life

It is a gorgeous morning in Boulder, but the snow is going to start soon. The Red Tailed Hawk couple is tending to their eggs. I saw this couple for the first time. Some kind of very small ducks.

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Extreme Climate Fraud, And The Stakes For America

Heidi Cullen’s gang of criminals at Climate Central are predicting sea level will rise 44 millimeters per year, for the rest of the century. Their theory is based on “collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet” The new term reflects … Continue reading

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Climate Religion Threatens The Future Of Science

I testified at the Washington State Senate a few months ago in Olympia, right after the largest snowstorm they have had in many years. A Democratic senator tried to silence me before I even started talking, and a heckler (formerly from … Continue reading

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Today’s Top Pix

A cold, wet day in Colorado

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The People’s Global Warming March

Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge,  is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods. Albert Einstein “The people” will be marching tomorrow in Denver to protest global warming. People’s Climate March The intrepid … Continue reading

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