The Near Consensus

This question changes minds on global warming –

Fake news CNN says there is a near consensus that burning fossil fuels is the primary driver of global warming.  The “near consensus” is actually a whopping 52%.


And what if Scott Pruitt is wrong? What are the consequences?  Absolutely nothing. Under the agreement made by Obama, China controls global CO2 emissions, not the US.

Climate Goals Pledged by China and the U.S. – The New York Times

FACT SHEET: U.S.-China Joint Announcement on Climate Change and Clean Energy Cooperation |

On the other hand, what if greens are wrong about fake green power? What if energy becomes unreliable and expensive? That would be catastrophic. Is Boulder, Colorado going to be happy not having electricity four days a week?

Greens are dangerously stupid people who threaten our very survival.  They need to be called out and humiliated.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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