Andrew Freedman claims that Chesapeake Bay freezing (like it did in January) is becoming extremely rare due to global warming.
As the world warms, it’s making cold snaps like the recent one extremely rare Jan 11, 2018
The first week of January was the coldest such week on record in most locations in the Eastern United States. It was so frigid that week, and the week preceding it, that sea ice formed around Cape Cod and Chesapeake Bay, sharks froze to death on Massachusetts beaches, and alligators went into a resting state while entombed in ice.
As the world warms, it’s making cold snaps like the recent one extremely rare
I took the dogs for a walk on frozen Chesapeake Bay on March 7, 2015. Probably the first time that has happened in March since the 18th century. The only thing that is becoming extremely rare is any integrity or accuracy in climate science.
Maryland Extreme Ice Survey | Real Science
And here is another Andrew who claims to be a scientist, citing Andrew Freedman’s junk science as evidence.