According to the National Climate Assessment, the number of hot days from Montana to Texas will skyrocket due to a 0.0001 mole fraction increase in atmospheric CO2 over the past century.
Projected Change in Number of Hot Days | National Climate Assessment
Actual data shows that the exact opposite is happening. The percent of 90 degree days in those states is plummeting.
The percent of 95 degree days is plummeting.
The percent of 100 degree days is plummeting.
The percent of 105 degree days is plummeting.
The percent of 110 degree days is plummeting.
The average summer maximum temperature is plummeting.
The map below shows the stations used in this analysis.
In 2011, Texas’ top climate experts said Texas would be hot and dry for the rest of the century.
Texas is vulnerable to warming climate – Houston Chronicle
Texas precipitation has been increasing since the 19th century.
Climate at a Glance | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
Over the past three years, Texas precipitation has been well above normal.
Climate scientists were 100% wrong, so they predictably responded by lying about it and claiming they predicted the increase in rainfall all along. And of course they blame the Texas rainfall on Republicans.
During the 2011 drought, the left said it was permanent and ridiculed Governor Perry for pointing out the obvious – that drought is always followed by rain.
Climate scientists know that they can lie and change their story every few minutes. In fact their funding depends on it.