Understanding The Relationship Between Deadly Hurricanes And Temperature

In 1975, Science News warned of a new ice age, and started the article talking about the extremely cold winter of 1780, which occurred during the recently erased by climatologists Little Ice Age.

The winter of 1780-81 was a particularly bitter one for the American Revolutionary forces. Washington’s troops hunkered down, ill-clothed and ill-fed, around their campfires at Morristown, N.J., while a few miles away British troops enjoyed the relative luxury of an occupied New York City. But even the British had their problems, for the winter was so cold that parts of New York harbor froze for weeks at a time, blocking movement of their powerful fleet. The ice even got thick enough to allow hauling cannons from Manhattan to Staten Island.

Science News – March 1, 1975

Three of the eight deadliest hurricanes occurred between 1775 and 1780, with the deadliest occurring in 1780. Seven of the eight occurred with CO2 below 350 PPM.

Deadliest Atlantic Hurricanes | Weather Underground

There is no relationship between CO2 and hurricanes, just as there is no relationship between leftists and reality.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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