Toto’s Latest Software Release

I put together a new python script for analyzing US temperature data. The code is much smaller than what I have previously released, but it is just as powerful for the most commonly used statistics.  It also includes analysis of the new USHCN daily TOBS data – which is a complete mess.  I will be blogging about it shortly.

You can get the code here, There are only three files :

get, and US.list

After you download the code :

chmod 755 get

That will download the entire US daily temperature record from NOAA USHCN. Then execute the program with commands like :

python3 US.list states=MNIAMOWIILINOHMI months=05060708 max_target=89

That will calculate the temperature record for the Midwest (Minnesota, Iowa, etc.) , from May to August, with a target of 89 degrees (F) for calculating statistics.  After it has completed, you will find a descriptively named csv file in the same directory – which you can then load into a spreadsheet.

I’m not planning on doing any python tutorials, but the code is very simple and is going to make life tough for people tampering with data and lying about the climate. If you don’t know how to install and run python, look here.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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