Daily Archives: January 6, 2024

“Imagine There’s No Data”

NASA shows between 0.5 and 2 degrees warming in Ethiopia since 1881. Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (v4): Global Maps This graph shows all of the GHCN V4  data for Ethiopia. It is an incoherent mess which shows a cooling … Continue reading

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What Did They Do Wrong?

I have developed new software to analyze the global temperature record. The party is over for blade of the hockey stick fraud.

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Record Arctic Sea Ice Growth

Arctic sea ice is growing at a record rate and is close to the median extent since 1979. ftp://osisaf.met.no/prod_test/ice/index/v2p2/nh/osisaf_nh_sie_daily.txt

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The End Of Fossil Fuels

During the 2020 campaign Joe Biden “guaranteed” that he would end fossil fuels. Now he is attempting to take credit for an increase in production.

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Belize GHCN V4

All of the NOAA GHCN V4 thermometer data for Belize. It is an incoherent mess of no scientific value.

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The Fake Global Temperature Record

All of the NOAA GHCN V4 thermometer data for the Central African Republic. It is an incoherent mess of no scientific value.

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The Fake Global Temperature Record

All of the NOAA GHCN V4 thermometer data for Bolivia. It is an incoherent mess of no scientific value.

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Man-Made Warming

A small group of humans at government agencies are responsible for all US warming.

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NOAA’s Winter Forecast

NOAA predicted a warm winter in the Pacific Northwest. U.S. Winter Outlook: Wetter South, warmer North | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration “Overnight weather model [ECMWF HRES 00Z] still shows historic Arctic blast into the Pacific Northwest and Western U.S. … Continue reading

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