Daily Archives: January 17, 2024

CO2 Targeting Developing Countries

Experts say racist carbon dioxide is targeting developing countries. WPS cover

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Time Traveling Scientists

In 1989, NOAA reported that the US had not warmed since 1895. Now they show a lot of warming. “After examining climate data extending back nearly 100 years, a team of Government scientists has concluded that there has been no … Continue reading

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Accelerating CO2 Growth Rate

With each successive “climate agreement”, the growth rate of atmospheric CO2 increases. Global Monitoring Laboratory – Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases

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Record Heat Of 1878

In 1878, Lake Minnetonka, Minnesota had their earliest ice-free date on record. Ice-out on Lake Minnetonka – Freshwater Society h/t Steve Erdahl There was no winter in Minnesota that year. 19 Mar 1878, Page 2 – Star Tribune at Newspapers.com

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Ranking States By Intelligence

Three years ago the New York Times published this chart showing Wyoming had the most intelligent residents, and Vermont and Massachusetts ranked at the bottom. Opinion | How to Overcome Vaccine Hesitancy – The New York Times

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