Daily Archives: January 29, 2024

National Fire Propaganda

The National Climate Assessment is full of propaganda and outright fraud, with their abuse of information about forest fires being particularly egregious.

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Homogenizing Melo

Melo, Uruguay is a relatively rural location 300 miles from Buenos Aires.  The thermometer data there shows no warming, but NOAA creates 3.8F/century warming by homogenizing in UHI contaminated data from Buenos Aires. Same data tampering story at Mercedes, 100 … Continue reading

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National Climate Heatwave Fakery

The National Climate Assessment predicts “Ten more days above 95F each year in the Midwest”  The actual trend is downwards   Downloads

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National Climate Fakers

The National Climate Assessment hides all the US fire data prior to 1983, in order to create the appearance that fires are increasing. Downloads National Fire News | National Interagency Fire Center National Interagency Fire Center

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