Climate Adjustment Fraud In South America

NOAA claims they reduce the UHI effect at Buenos Aires in their final adjusted database, but they don’t – they actually increase it

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (v4)C

The GHCN database has very few stations from South America, with five of them near Buenos Aires

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (v4): Station Data

The UHI contaminated Buenos Aires thermometer gets homogenized into the other stations and triples the warming trend.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Climate Adjustment Fraud In South America

  1. Bob G says:

    it’s really sad, everywhere you look there’s corruption. and why not there are no consequences for it. those that face consequences are Trump supporters at the Capitol January 6th…. whether you were in the building or not.

  2. Michael Fox says:

    A number of years ago I read, probably on WUWT, about the “Bolivian” (or “Paraguayan”?) hot spot. Looks like it got caught up in the Brasilia grid cell.

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