“climate change keeps you up at night”

“Climate anxiety, or eco-anxiety, is distress related to worries about the effects of climate change. It is not a mental illness. Rather, it is anxiety rooted in uncertainty about the future and alerting us to the dangers of a changing climate. Climate change is a real threat, and therefore it’s normal to experience worry and fear about the consequences. Anxiety about the climate is often accompanied by feelings of grief, anger, guilt, and shame, which in turn can affect mood, behavior, and thinking.”

If climate change keeps you up at night, here’s how to cope – Harvard Health

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to “climate change keeps you up at night”

  1. Yammobethere says:

    Creeping totalitarianism keeps me up at night.

    • Disillusioned says:

      Yes, the direction in which we are moving is very concerning. But, after the moves by the Biden administration, I think it has gone from creeping to stampeding totalitarianism. The globalists have all but declared war; they are very organized and going for all the marbles. The daily ritual of disseminating climate fear propaganda is terrorism.

  2. Rah says:

    It also makes some people glue themselves to roads and try to destroy precious pieces of art. I wish they’d all start gluing themselves to RR tracks.

  3. arn says:

    The very purpose of global warming is
    to create feelings of anger,guilt,grief and shame,
    to demoralize people to that point that they bow down to a totalitarian global rule.
    That’s the only reason AGW and ice age scare exist ( ed)

    It is also strange that in an environment where environment with a sense for critical thinking is being called a -phobic noone gets the idea to call climate cowards who have been overwhelmed warmophob , climatophob or whatever.

    Considering that almost all people in the western world live in in climate zones that are way below the warmest inhabited places (and have all the tech,wealth and infrastructure to compensate warming) ,
    there should be absolutely no reason to be scared of anything related to climate.

  4. D W S says:

    The one and only thing that keeps me up at night is the prospective theft of my basic Constitutional rights via the looney toons policy impositions of the extremist Left.

  5. As far as the general public is concerned, the alarmists reached their propaganda tipping point years ago, so that the more they hype it, the less it is believed, except of course for the sanctimonious technically ignorant minority who glue themselves to roads and destroy works of art. With the current attempt to destroy agriculture, the patience of the public has run out. Purveyors of this nonsense had better get ready to run.

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