Government scientists have almost no data from the Arctic from 1884, but they have been able to determine that earth is heating rapidly based primarily on imaginary Arctic data.
Global Temperature | Vital Signs – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet
All of these groups came up with the same fake graph.
Seems they have 1884 data from all around the world that has not existed before.
I wonder where they found it?
Probably inside Mann’s tree rings or Powell’s testtube.
And shouldn’t the arctic ice be a thing of the past after 140 years of rapid melting?
If somehow we manage to win the next election, Trump has to screw his head on and stay focused on the job at hand, and not get caught on in an X storm. These science agencies are rotten to the core. The heads hire based on belief system rather than on superior ability. But the at least the heads need to be removed, and future hiring needs to be based on ability to think rationally, rather than following doctrine.
Along those lines, here’s an excellent opinion piece by Jeff Minick, which conjures some hope:
Logs from science ships in the 19th century illustrate ice extent the same as today –'_Logs_reflect_present_climate_conditions