“Imagine There’s No Data”

NASA shows between 0.5 and 2 degrees warming in Ethiopia since 1881.

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (v4): Global Maps

This graph shows all of the GHCN V4  data for Ethiopia. It is an incoherent mess which shows a cooling trend. How did NASA and NOAA create their fake map?


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to “Imagine There’s No Data”

  1. dm says:

    Overheard while political appointees discussed climate with data analysts: “Actual temperature readings for Ethiopia, Belize, 50+% of the land surface and all the oceans are missing or incoherent messes? GREAT!!! We can MANNIPULATE the official record to fit the narrative;-}”

  2. Robertvd says:

    If you control the printing press you control the system.

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