Magical Government Scientists

Someone sitting at a desk at NOAA has determined that a rural station at Bouar in the Central African Republic, needs to have its data altered to turn a flat trend into six degrees of warming.



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Magical Government Scientists

  1. Ivan G Wainwright says:

    The lies continue in Australia. This recent clip, is from the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Commission), the taxpayer-funded national ‘news’ service.
    Interestingly, unlike most sites on YouTube, comments are not permitted on ABC posts; guess why.

  2. Desmut says:

    Hi Tony,
    Where do you get the raw and adjusted data from ?
    Thank you

  3. Richard E Fritz says:

    amazing how NOAA sat on data for 20 years and when congress FORCED them to reveal how much Earth had warmed they stated 1 or 1.5 F over 20 years which is where the lie was BORN and since then they have pushed the 1.5C world wide is the magic number for GLOBAL MELTDOWN

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