Ranking States By Intelligence

Three years ago the New York Times published this chart showing Wyoming had the most intelligent residents, and Vermont and Massachusetts ranked at the bottom.

Opinion | How to Overcome Vaccine Hesitancy – The New York Times

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to Ranking States By Intelligence

  1. William says:

    Marxachusetts is the only state where over half the citizens have college degrees. The Politburo in Boston focuses on eviscerating 2A, forcing citizens out of their homes to house illegal “refugees”, and ensuring the rights of chickens. They passed a “chickens rights” bill last year. Seriously. Vermont is a small state of Christian dirt farmers but the political power resides in the wokeist college towns where they shriek about The Climate, pronouns, etc. I live in the Berkshires, an offshore island. Jab rate here is 70 percent. The State says we are “lagging”. I shall continue to lag until the end

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