The End Of Snow

Every few years the New York Times announces the end of snow, this time based on Christmas temperatures in Omaha, Nebraska

Opinion | The End of Snow – The New York Times

Christmas temperatures in Nebraska have been declining for about a century, with this year a little above average since 1895

Lots of snow headed to Nebraska and New York over the next ten days.

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Nebraska December snowfall has increased a somewhat over the last century, with this year a little below average

The Palmer Drought Severity Index showed that this December was just about average in Nebraska

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to The End Of Snow

  1. Bill Odom says:

    After the Steele dossier, how can anyone lend any credence to either the Times or the Post?

  2. conrad ziefle says:

    People are rather stupid about the weather. They live through it being random for their entire lives, yet are surprised when it is random. I find it humorous that people with PhDs from Harvard sound just like my grandfather, who had an eight grade education, when speaking about the weather.

  3. Paul says:

    Strangely, up in the typically frozen tundra of Canada, we haven’t had much for snow, and there isn’t any sticking around to hide the brown grass! Tony, I was curious what you’d have for data in your records for Saskatoon, SK? I’m relatively not too aged, 40, but I don’t recall no snow after Christmas before!

  4. Mark says:

    Last year my family went on a trip around Christmas time, and the roads were terrible, dozens of vehicles were in the ditches, our car broke down, and we had to walk several hundred yards to the nearest gas station in -40 degree windchill. This year we took the same trip and the weather was lovely. According to the author of this article, this should cause me to feel existential dread about the end of the end of the world, yet I only feel gratitude. What is wrong with me?

  5. Frank says:

    To bad she didn’t show up last year, she could have wrote that the heavy snow and cold was a sign of warming

  6. scott allen says:

    It snowed 2 inches on the 24th of december in Omaha 2023

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