“When heating your house”

When heating your house, you don’t care much about fake government temperature graphs.

You probably care about having a reliable source of affordable energy.

Board member Club of Rome NL


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to “When heating your house”

  1. conrad ziefle says:

    You may not care about what the temperature was a few hours ago, like 57F. However, when it turns out that the mode temperature since life on the planet began is about 77F, then you need to figure out how to live under those conditions, because the temperature seems to always move toward that state regardless of what you do.
    Conrad: “Welcome to a 77F World!”
    Or not, as it might get there through a few thousand years of 50F world.

  2. Walter says:

    Globalist tool bag.

  3. Basic thermodynamics tells us that any mismatch between incoming and out going radiation cannot correspond to equilibrium conditions, but are transient effects, When observing cyclically varying phenomena having periods of the orders of decades or centuries, there will inevitably be periods when the imbalance is increasing. To attribute them to human activity is laughable.

  4. D. Boss says:

    Is this guy a raving lunatic, or is his incoherent dialogue simply the result of poor command of English? The 1.5C is an anomaly, not the actual temperature. That is to say, the “anomaly” is the difference between past and present averages. (which is a meaningless number, but sticking to the official definition, the anomaly is not a temperature but a delta T)

    So to compare the anomaly with an actual OAT of 1.5C is ludicrous!

    Not only that but his supposed evidence of the imbalance between incoming and outgoing radiation belies his ignorance and demonstrates the sky is falling narrative is false. According to his graph, from NASA, Solar incoming has been increasing, and earth’s system has not responded immediately to correct the imbalance. But, but the Climate Doom Cult has been denying that solar incoming has been increasing!!!

    And duh, the earth’s oceans have 1,000 times more heat capacity as the atmosphere. So in the absence of an increase in solar radiation, the oceans merely have to give up 0.0015 degrees C to warm the atmosphere by 1.5C.

    Anyone who lives near the ocean knows viscerally how it dominates the temperature. Here in SE Florida when there is a cold front move through, the wind comes from the west or the north, and it gets to 50F, but the instant the wind shifts to coming from the East, over the warm ocean, the air temperature jumps to pretty much the same as the sea surface temp just offshore. Happened last night as it was down to 58F with a NW wind, and then 6 hours later, before dawn the wind had shifted to from the East and the temp is up to 68F.

    This is why in SE Florida in the summer it never goes below 80F between May and November! (as the wind is predominantly easterly)

    Furthermore, this nutbar appears to be ignorant of the fact that his Netherlands are at as high a latitude as Frozen Lung Saskatchewan, and the only reason his homeland is temperate is due to the heating provided by the Gulfstream on Northern Europe! (Saskatoon and the Netherlands are both at 52 deg N)

    Water, in liquid, solid and gaseous form are 2 if not 3 orders of magnitude higher effect at moderating Earth’s temperature than a trace gas ever could be

    • conrad ziefle says:

      Water is one of the key building blocks of life, and it also regulates temperature so that life can be abundant. Atmospheric CO2 is also essential for life, but if it were a metal it would be something like a rare earth. Why would we try to bury it?

  5. dm says:

    BEWARE: Mr. Simon & Michael Mann include COMMUNICATION in their skills portfolios. Mr. Simon claims to be an Innovator, climate … COMMUNICATION. Mr. Mann is director of UPenn’s Center for Science, Sustainability & the MEDIA. Awareness that alarmism depends upon communication explains much about the contents of popular media and scientific journals, what is MISSING from the same, and the vicious efforts to efforts to ruin climate realists.

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