“Siberia will become the greatest farming country in the world”

“One of the greatest scientists in the world is Arrhenius of Sweden. He is a chemist and physicist, and has studied this matter. He shows that this proportion of carbon dioxide in the air will make the climate warmer, by acting like the glass roof of a green house. With the carbon dioxide increased from two and one-half to three times, the temperature of the whole world will be raised 8 to 9 degrees centigrade—and Greenland will have a good climate for farming. All the good soil of Canada will be in as temperate a climate as that now enjoyed by Missouri.

Corn will be grown in the Peace River Valley. Oranges will be an orchard fruit in Arkansas and Virginia. The suburban residents of Chicago may literally sit under their own fig trees and scuppernong grape arbors. Cotton will be a stable crop in Iowa. Bananas will fringe the shores of the Gulf. Siberia will become the greatest farming country in the world. The great Antarctic continent—one of the greatest on earth in extent—will be the Western Canada, the Scandinavia, the Siberia of that day, and will have millions of people. Alaska will be as warm as Maine now is. And the heat of all the tropics will be made hotter for thousands of years.”

January 28, 1913

The Pueblo Leader – Google News Archive Search

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to “Siberia will become the greatest farming country in the world”

  1. Jehzsa says:

    I also followed the great scientist – Gaslightus of Burundi.

  2. arn says:

    The good ol’ times when an imaginary warming was allowed to have a positive impact on humanity.
    I wonder what happened to those 97% scientists that they no longer know about potential positive impacts of warming?
    Maybe the same thing that made them forget about Arrhenius’ warming when they promoted cooling.

  3. conrad ziefle says:

    Well, he is not wrong. He just made a minor miscalculation; he didn’t figure in continental drift.

    • Greg in NZ says:

      And don’t forget the scourge of populism, when those millions living on the great frozen southern continent at the bottom of the planet (or is it the top?) voted to change its name to Anarchic.

      Now where did I put my anti-pedant pills…

  4. dm says:

    Arrhenius EMPHASIZED the POSITIVE consequences of global warming & increasing atmospheric CO2. Tony, by revealing this assessment, you have wrecked Arrhenius’ standing in the climate alarmist community. You may have also undermined alarmists inclination to abuse CO2. Many thanks.

  5. Dee Dee Tufortene says:

    Svante Arrhennius was a distant relative of Greta Thunberg. Dee

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