One of the more popular data sources of climate junk science data is GRACE
GRACE – Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment
They use gravity data from satellites to generate fake graphs and maps like the one below, showing Greenland losing ice in places which never get above freezing.
Total mass change: Polar Portal
Grace_curve_La_EN_20160300.png (1882×1080)
To show how worthless the GRACE data is, I overlaid the DMI surface mass balance (SMB) data on the GRACE data. The SMB data (blue line) shows Greenland gaining lots of ice, while the GRACE data shows Greenland losing ice.
The SMB data doesn’t take into consideration flow of ice away from underneath, but it is pretty difficult to believe that the huge discrepancy between the two data sets is real. In any case, the claimed ice loss is not due to in situ melting. It is either data error or flow of ice into the ocean – which would have nothing to do with global warming.
The problem with gravity data is that it is affected not only by ice, but also by other things like movement of the land underneath the ice. The GRACE people have failed to take that into consideration, and have made wildly exaggerated claims of ice loss in the past which they had to stand down on.
Climate Change: New Study Halves the Rate of Ice Cap Melt |
GRACE also claims that Antarctica is losing ice.
Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Land Ice
But Jay Zwally at NASA says Antarctica is gaining ice.
NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses | NASA
The GRACE data is meaningless garbage, but climate scientists use it because it is good for funding.