1926 Flood In Lithuania

“?19 March 1926 Catastrophic Flood Threatens Capital Kovno.—The population of Kovno, the capital of Lithuania, is suffering greatly from a Hood caused by the overflowing of the rivers Niemen and Vilya. The flood, which started a few days ago, now threatens the entire city. The Jewish quarter is entirely submerged. Hundreds of Jewish families are homeless, the damages are estimated to run into millions. I he Ezra Relief Committee, representing the Kehillah which was dissolved by the Government, dispatched appeals to the joint Distribution Committee, the Jewish Colonization Association and to other Jewish organizations abroad tor immediate relief.”

Emanu-El (San Francisco, Calif. : 1895) 19 March 1926 — J. Archives; The Jewish News of Northern California

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to 1926 Flood In Lithuania

  1. Michael Sliwowski says:

    Hi Tony,
    Here in Europe the news agency’s are running with record high January 25th temperatures in Spain exceeding 30deg Celsius. So many suggests reinforcing a narrative.
    Do you have access to verifiable temperature figures.
    Keep up the good work.
    Regards Michael Sliwowski Birmingham UK.

  2. Francis Barnett says:

    Hi Michael – expat Brit in France here.
    A good website for global weather reports is https://www.timeanddate.com/weather/@2509334/historic
    I just had a quick scan of Spanish temperatures and I can’t see mainland Spain temps getting near to the 30C you mention.
    Are they using offshore islands Tenerife, Canaries, even Melilla a tiny Spanish enclave on the north african coast etc and conflating those with mainland Spain?

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