Horrors Of Global Warming Continue To Strike The Utah Ski Industry

Two weeks ago the scumbags at NRDC told us that global warming is devastating the Utah ski industry – and put a dollar amount on it. Alta has now had thirteen feet of snow this season, with another big storm coming on Monday.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Horrors Of Global Warming Continue To Strike The Utah Ski Industry

  1. Nonetheless it’s heartening that environmental advocacy groups such as NRDC are so concerned for the profits of private enterprises.

  2. Sundance says:

    NRDC can only survive if it creates more fear similar to Gypsy fortune tellers.


  3. Andy DC says:

    13 feet of snow is entirely consistent with Global Weirding, all caused by 4 molcules per 10,000 rather than 3.

    • Traitor In Chief says:

      Yeah, but that last molecule is a nasty one! It controls the entire planet. And only global Communism will save us…

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