Doha failed to come up with an incredibly expensive non-solution to an imaginary non-problem, and therefor would be considered by any sane person to be a success.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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- conrad ziefle on UN Is Upset
- arn on Flooding Of January 1862
- Mike on Flooding Of January 1862
- Bill on UK Green Energy Record
- oeman50 on Flooding Of January 1862
- arn on UN Is Upset
- Francis Barnett on UN Is Upset
- Gordon Vigurs on UN Is Upset
- Bob G on “Fascist Salute”
- Disillusioned on First Tracks In The Snow
You can expect Gillard and Combet to herald it as a success, because Australia is “doing the right thing” by committing to Kyoto II. Of course, that doesn’t stop them from looking like complete asses since the largest emitters have never signed, and few countries are left. Sadly, they’ll go down as being the dumbest countries in the modern era.
Failure is the ONLY option.
That’s an interesting way to look at it – no harm, no foul, just a few hundred more millions wasted; and think of what kinds of mischief those rascals could have otherwise wrought if we weren’t keeping them occupied with these circuses.
It parallels a pet theory of mine, that the main, but unspoken, purposes of our modern universities are to 1), provide employment for the otherwise unemployable, and 2), provide a transitional womb for our not-quite adults – too old to be at home, too young to be on their own (or vice-versa, it’s kind of a toss-up).
It’s a success for the hospitality, tourism, and escort industry in Doha anyway, but something tells me warmists aren’t good tippers.