Green Windmills Destroying Wildlife

ScreenHunter_356 Dec. 17 23.26

Bats seem to be attracted to wind turbines. On this infrared video taken at night, one can see bats “investigating” the moving blades of a wind turbine. Strikes are also recorded.

EPAW – Bats struck by wind turbine blades

h/t to Lance

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Green Windmills Destroying Wildlife

  1. jazznick says:

    Wind “industry” clearly immune from any serious prosecution on this matter.

    1,000’s of wild birds get chopped up in the cause of saving us from a harmless trace gas.

    • Alec Sevins says:

      I am tired of wind turbines being dissed merely because people deny the evidence for global warming (and Peak Oil). But I also dislike them for aesthetic reasons. They’re far too large and intrusive, including their access roads.

      If they were bladeless, towering smokestacks they’d be called blight without hesitation. An odd disconnect exists among techie pseudo-environmentalists who only care about power generation. There are many ethical reasons to be against massive eyesores. Natural landscapes should be treated as an integral part of the environment, not discarded for the sake of wind power.

      RE your claim of CO2 being a “harmless trace gas,” read the following article, learn something and stop repeating echo-chamber lies.

      “CO2: The Thermostat that Controls Earth’s Temperature” (NASA website, Oct. 2010)

  2. Wyguy says:

    Has anyone calculated the carbon footprint for producing and installing these bird killers?

  3. leftinbrooklyn says:

    At least the wildlife is no longer exhaling.

  4. Lance says:

    Yes, but have a few ducks land in a tailings pond, and greenpeace is all over it!

  5. physicist says:

    Bat brains seems to be attracted to this web site.

    500 million birds killed each year by cats. Get rid of fucking cats.

    300 million to 1 billion birds killed eack year by building. Get rid of fucking buildings.

    Lanza killed 20 kids. How many kids will global warming kill? Get rid of fucking deniers.

  6. David says:

    physicist says:
    December 19, 2012 at 2:42 am
    Bat brains seems to be attracted to this web site.
    500 million birds killed each year by cats. Get rid of fucking cats.
    300 million to 1 billion birds killed eack year by building. Get rid of fucking buildings.
    Lanza killed 20 kids. How many kids will global warming kill? Get rid of fucking deniers.
    Well my, one inane comment after another. Your last one however sounds like a threat. How do you intend to get rid of me?

    So far CAGW is feeding 20% to 15% of the worlds population. Drive CO2 down to 290 PPM, and watch WWIII break out.

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