McKibben Tells Students That Being A Pig-Headed Immoral Hypocrite Is The Only Way To Be

A divestment campaign aimed at fossil fuel companies has swept college campuses across the country since it began just four weeks ago, catching university presidents by surprise.

The effort is the result of a student-led campaign coordinated by, a climate advocacy organization founded by author and activist Bill McKibben. The goal is to turn global warming action into the moral issue of this generation.

“Bottom line, for a college or university, you do not want your institution to be on the wrong side of this issue,” said Stephen Mulkey, president of Unity College in Maine.

Spreading Like Wildfire, Fossil Fuel Divestment Campaign Striking a Moral Chord | InsideClimate News

Without fossil fuels, Bill McKibben and his useful idiots would be freezing and starving in the dark. Then they would have a real problem.

After Sandy, people struggled to bring their fossil fuels back on line in order to stay alive.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to McKibben Tells Students That Being A Pig-Headed Immoral Hypocrite Is The Only Way To Be

  1. genomega1 says:

    Well this is simple just unplug all moron U’s from the grid.

  2. genomega1 says:

    Reblogged this on News You May Have Missed and commented:
    McKibben Tells Students That Being A Pig-Headed Immoral Hypocrite Is The Only Way To Be

  3. leftinbrooklyn says:

    Indoctrination 101.

  4. Dave N says:

    Mulkey is right, but in an ironic way

  5. philjourdan says:

    Hmmmmm… Roast pork!

  6. Bruce of Newcastle says:

    Speaking of divestment campaigns, last year the legendary Jim Chanos was shorting the crap out of green energy stocks. I think he probably did quite well out of it.

    Mere reality does not seem to bother Mr McKibben.

  7. I once listened to an interview of McKibben when was speaking on other topics besides global warming. The exchange consisted of him mouthing vague platitudes and clichés of no useful content whatsoever. Yeap, when it comes to stupidity he is an all rounder.

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