World To End This Week

Dear PSD Parents,

Given the recent school violence in Connecticut and extensive media coverage of the Mayan calendar and doomsday prophecies, Poudre School District will be enacting additional safety protocols at all schools this week. Additional safety precautions include:

  • ·         All exterior doors will be locked except for the main entrance
  • ·         Any student not accompanied by a PSD staff member must enter school through the main entrance
  • ·         Main entrances will be physically monitored by school staff during the school day
  • ·         Additional security presence on campuses and at after-hours programs/activities as needed
  • ·         All emergency drills have been cancelled
  • ·         Additional mental health support for students will be available as needed

PSD is committed to ensuring that all students continue to remain safe in our schools. If your child is struggling emotionally with Friday’s tragedy, please have your student talk to his/her teacher and/or counselor.

We understand that this is a challenging time for our community and nation. Thank you for your continued support of Poudre School District.

Warmest regards,

Nancy Wright, Ed.D.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to World To End This Week

  1. miked1947 says:

    Extra security is especially called for because of the Mayan Calendar thingy!

  2. Dave N says:

    You have relatives attending that school? I can understand that teachers and children might be nervous and troubled over what happened at Sandy Hook, but I feel sorry for anyone that has a connection with a school that gives credence to the Mayan doomsday drivel. Ranks up there with preventing kids from thinking critically by silencing rational debate about climate.

    • I agree. They are absurdly incompetent to even mention such frenzied “end of the world” speculation in an official announcement. I explained the “Mayan Prophecy” (that is, the real origin of the Mayan “long count” period) years ago, but the truth, especially when it is new knowledge, does not attract anyone these days, so I stopped trying to inform people about it. A certain portion of the population will awaken on December 22nd, the day after the End, and be depressed to find it all still here and just as difficult to bear.

    • Robertv says:

      You know how many children get killed in a car crash. As a child, I would be afraid to step into a car not to enter the school.

    • Robertv says:

      About doomsday I am more worried about atomic weapons in the hands of the world ‘leaders’ we have today. If they derail just a little bit more than it can be over in one and a half hours. Most of us won’t even see it coming. Just imagine the madman in chief playing with the button.

  3. Bob Hobert says:

    I suspect PSD is only contemplating the insanity that may accompany the perceived apocalypse on Dec 21 – that some crazy may try to implement it.

  4. Eliza says:

    Wow at last what a relief. Ill drink dom perignon and wait…….

  5. leftinbrooklyn says:

    Sure, let’s re-inforce the ‘live in fear that only government can save you from’ mentality. Parents, you guys are really just the birthing mechanism. We’ll take it from here.

  6. John B., M.D. says:

    I think the Superintendent was implying that crazies in society might believe in the Mayan apocalypse and choose that time to go nuts.

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