Daily Archives: February 1, 2014

1907 Monthly Weather Review Said That Bloggers Need To Call Out NOAA/NASA Data Tampering


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We Must Listen To The Kings

Future King Charles III and present King Barry I, have both decreed that we must trust the scientists. Who could argue with such clear headed thinking by these people of fine breeding? The Windsor Star – Google News Archive Search … Continue reading

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Shock News : Scientists Say California Was Not Habitable Prior To The Hockey Stick

BEGINNING about 1,100 years ago, what is now California baked in two droughts, the first lasting 220 years and the second 140 years. Each was much more intense than the mere six-year dry spells that afflict modern California from time … Continue reading

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Prince Charles Says That We Should Blindly Accept Whatever Scientists Tell Us

Charles said it was “baffling … that in our modern world we have such blind trust in science and technology that we all accept what science tells us about everything – until, that is, it comes to climate science.” News … Continue reading

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Typical Government Waste And Fraud

Governments have spent hundreds of billions of dollars on global warming, and what do we have to show for it? Nothing but a frozen country and some tampered data. You would think that with all the money they spent, they … Continue reading

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Global Weirding In 2006

I spent January, 2006 in Fort Collins. It was ridiculously warm, and no snow. Then I went out to work in the Bay Area for a few months, and by mid-July it was so hot that our apartment swimming pool … Continue reading

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