1907 Monthly Weather Review Said That Bloggers Need To Call Out NOAA/NASA Data Tampering

ScreenHunter_17 Feb. 01 08.43


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to 1907 Monthly Weather Review Said That Bloggers Need To Call Out NOAA/NASA Data Tampering

  1. Bob Greene says:

    I’m sure they believe that they are applying new and improved methods to data presentation. The fact that the last 50 years gets warmer and the preceding 100 get colder is merely the result of the improved methods. There is no expectation bias, much less data tampering. I’m also sure that 3, 12, 16, 22, 30 and 36 are the next lottery winners. [/sarc]
    We know the warming is unprecedented, so the data must be wrong.

  2. gator69 says:

    I think they were called ‘blockers’ back then.

  3. They were lying about the climate of the Oklahoma Panhandle to attract more land jobbers, they didn’t want people back east to know the climate was very dry there.

    How did that work out for the 1930’s dust bowlers, now in California?

  4. Brian H says:

    That would make an interesting compendium: “The History of Climate Lies”.

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