1950 : Polar Ice Vanishing – Only Thin, Rotten Ice Remains

ScreenHunter_73 Feb. 02 11.43

04 Mar 1950 – It’s even hotter near the pole

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to 1950 : Polar Ice Vanishing – Only Thin, Rotten Ice Remains

  1. Chewer says:

    The mid-summer harvest season in the southern Hemisphere should be no sweat 😉

  2. NikFromNYC says:

    Philosophy isn’t bullshit. It’s nobility.

  3. Brian H says:

    Throw this one in the slush pile.

  4. Steve,

    Arctic sea ice maps from 1901-1956 from the DMI have just been released here in digital form. I hope you’ll have a look and present the data in an animation.


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