Daily Archives: February 21, 2014

Gavin Wins The 2014 World Cup Of Data Tampering In Brazil

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis

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Obama Wants Your Electricity Bills To Skyrocket, Because He Cares About You


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Nancy Grace Slams UK Fugitive Piers Morgan

HLN host Nancy Grace was among the guests, and she didn’t want to hear more gun-control talk from Morgan. “Are you back on gun control again?” she asked. “If it weren’t for the British, we wouldn’t even have to have protections to … Continue reading

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Washington Post Slams Idiot Secretary Of State For Pushing Climate BS

The Insiders: Democrats have turned the global warming debate into a cartoon

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Washington Post Slams Obama, BBC, and NPR For Pushing Climate BS

Elizabeth Barnes, an atmospheric scientists from Colorado State University, after an attempt to dismantle Francis’ theory last summer, published a second challenge in January. “…the link between recent Arctic warming and increased Northern Hemisphere blocking is currently not supported by … Continue reading

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More Cheating Down Under

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Cheating Down Under

Some of NASA’s more impressive data tampering is in Alice Springs, where they have knocked a full 2C off of older temperatures

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