After Retirement, James Hansen Continues His Critical Work Warning People About The Climate


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to After Retirement, James Hansen Continues His Critical Work Warning People About The Climate

  1. nigelf says:

    I’d like to see this mandated as part of his eventual sentencing.

  2. Bob Greene says:

    WalMart has all the greeters they need?

  3. Lance says:

    You have insulted Homer!

  4. Jimbo says:

    Dr. James Hansen is an extremely worried man in the face of this surface temperature standstill. He will go to his grave arguing about an impending thermageddon even in the middle of another Little Ice Age. I am very serious.

  5. darrylb says:

    The team is juicing the aerosol emissions once again as a reason for the so called pause. IMO they really juiced the volcanic aerosols during the middle of the 20th century to torture the models to work.. All of the torturing of data eventually will come home to roost because it may, in the end, mask any warming which actually may have of occurred.

  6. Brian H says:

    It occurred to me today, Steven, that Hansen and the Warmists shotgunned their own feet with that huge 1°C fudge you found. Since subsequent temps and records are being watched closely, that “step fraud” guaranteed subsequent rises, if any, would have to exceed the immediate true prior by a full degree before any positive slope reappeared. IOW, they took out a loan against the immediate future, which pretty much guaranteed it would look like a Pause when the data payments came due. Aside from making a hash of all possible trend analyses for prior and subsequent periods, of course.

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