Being Joe Romm

Joe Romm was a key player in the Clinton/Lewinsky/Gore/Hillary White House, and now runs one of the most wildly dishonest blogs on the Internet.

ScreenHunter_81 Feb. 02 20.35


Groundhog Decade: We’re Stuck In A Movie Where It’s Always The Hottest Decade On Record | ThinkProgress

Below, I plotted Joe’s fake GISS temperatures to scale with his warming projection, in red. See if you can find the stain on the blue dress.

ScreenHunter_83 Feb. 02 21.16

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Being Joe Romm

  1. Pathway says:

    Yes, that is wild Bill’s legacy. The stain on the blue dress and “don’t you think you should put some ice on that”.

  2. Pathway says:

    Along with the only elected President to ever be impeached. And to have his law license revoked by a federal court for lying under oath. The list just goes on and on and on.

  3. Chewer says:

    He is also a great admirer of Anita, you know, the one who looks to Chairman Mao during those difficult times when she experiences internal strife with difficult questions that require a mentoring figure, to provide guidance and the right answers 😉

  4. Rick Fischer says:

    So in the forties, temps were 13.95 and in the seventies, temps were 13.95? I guess that explains how the consensus of all climate scientists was that we were locked into global cooling, with catastrophe looming. And the coldest decades were 1900 to 1920, explaining, I guess, all the glacial and Arctic melting those years, and ships transversing the Arctic in summer of 1923.

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