The retention of more sea ice in September 2013 has increased the overall thickness and volume of the ice pack compared to recent years. Antarctic sea ice remains significantly more extensive than average.
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Steve, as noted on another site,
“the inhabitants of planet Earth will all stick together and share information honestly, or
We will die separately !”
Forget hiizuru, he’s a sheep in wolf’s clothing. Baaaaa
The warma nostra will carry on until well into the next ice age, after we have all moved to the equator, and they are still up here claiming that the oncoming ice sheet is a sign of global warming. Hey Brandon, wasn’t that one of New York’s skyscrapers in that glacier up there?
arctic ice getting thicker, increasing? really?
So Arctic ice is above three of the last four years, but the loonie you quote talks about record lows.
What you’re talking about is from Feb. 3rd. It is now Feb. 17th.
Things change fast.
So you are thinking that the Arctic is melting at -25C, while Alabama freezes. You are a a smart guy.
Pretty simple to do. Go to google, switch it to images, type in current arctic ice extent, and look for nsidc 2/16/2014 and it will give you the current ice extent with the orange line being the average for February. Looks pretty close to being average except close to Norway.
Last year the ice extent was considerably below the average in Fbruary too, it’s caused by the positive AMO.
What we really need to check is how it will progress from now on, I mean to have another good result as we had in 2013.
It’s essentially April, May and June that defined the average of the year (in the present AMO+ phase).
Last June the NP was very cold and the ice was correctly positioned by the remaining multi-year ice from 2012. This year the ice is already correctly positioned by the reasons given by Steve in this post.
All we need now is another cold summer, similar to 2013.
I have been checking the oceans, and they’re are pretty cold now, even colder than 2013, except the N.Pacific on the west coast of N. America. On the east coast of Asia we’re having exactly the same negative anomalies as last year and the region below Australia is colder than 2013.
There is a clear cooling trend for all oceans especially the in the NH very similar to what happened in 2013 in this period. For example, look here
The negative anomalies in the SH are larger (occupy a larger area) than in 2013.
All these are good signs for the Arctic ice (and Antarctic ice too) for the April-June period.
I think what Jeff is trying to say (bless his heart) is that there is a poor correlation between February & September extents. I’ll bet Jeff is just itching to demonstrate his prediction skills.
What say you, Jeff: if the Arctic is ice-free by 2013, as predicted, I’ll eat my hat.
when it’s not one thing…it’s something else….LOL
thicker is not extent
Those evil climate deniers at NSIDC and the EU are just messing with your mind, Jeff.
Isn’t that great news. Wind patterns didn’t allow multi year ice to escape and compacted it even more.
It’s worse. No ice means more heat can escape from the ocean due to the non-existing protective ice insulation .
The site your link to says
“the Arctic has been outrageously warm for winter”
Just like 1972, 1974, 1976.
The link points to DMI and fails to mention the recored cold in the central Arctic in September since 1958.
If you have been a tracker of Arctic sea ice extent you will notice virtually no correlation between winter extent and the September minimum. Furthermore, Warmists told us a few years back that extent was less important than volume.
I have never seen so many stupid, unscientific, replies in the comments of that post you reference in quite a while. Sounds like a holy rollers convention.
Meanwhile the headline is reaaallly stupid. “Arctic Heat?” You have got to be kidding. You would last about 2 minutes in that “Arctic heat” without heavy duty protection. “Arctic Heat?” ROTFLMAO. “Arctic Heat?” ROTFLMAO. “Arctic Heat?” Bwahahahahahahahha.
Meanwhile they come up with Excuse No 123 of why the Antarctic ice is near record levels!
I think maybe it’s because the Southern Ocean is cooling, but that’s probably wrong.
That’s why John Kerry wants everyone to focus on Indonesia this week. It’s as far away from polar vortexes and antarctic ice records as you can get.
It did just have a fairly big eruption though.
They’re blind to the facts and call themselves scientists.
It’d be funny if it was not harmful.
Not the first time.
I think the boys are gonna have to put an armored bow on their rowboat for the Summer ’14 Arctic Paddling season.
Photo of team practice.
OT Steven increase the comment reply depth.
Reblogged this on CACA and commented:
The Arctic-Ice-Scam seems to be dying a rather ‘quick’ death!
Another increase like in 2013 this year and I don’t think it’ll be alive in 2015. All we need is a repeat of 2013.
Pending no major storm, multi-year ice will further develop and more Arctic records will topple, rendering the Arctic-ice-scare a total sham, further crippling the CAGW hoax.
You haven’t factored in adjustments.
“Pending no major storm…”
Good to know, but the Arctic ice is a little below my expectations so far.
It’s below last year, but as I see it the most important periods are April-May, when in some recent years we had levels back to average at some points and end of May-June, when the acceleration of the melting reaches it’s maximum.
It’d be perfect to have a maximum like 2012 in April followed by a slow melting like 2013. The levels would be back to 2000-2001 levels at the peak of the summer.
Cost of Arctic death spiral same as world economy – Nature magazine.
If you believe this guy and Nature, I have the Sydney Opera House to sell you.
Like Einstein said – ” Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity and I’m not certain about the first.”
I’m certain of the second.
I can’t believe the amount of alarmist propaganda being published.
Ian Eisanman and the “national academy of science” show how dumb people can be. Arctic ice is growing massively in extent and volume, but no, it’s darker??? (Forehead slap)
It probably already has cost $60,000,000,000,000. In Zimbabwe.
Avert your eyes! Now panic and raise taxes.
We are at the end of the Holocene and should be glad the next ice age has not started yet, but it will be starting soon like clockwork. I like being in an interglacial because most of North America and northern Eurasia are ice sheets all the rest of the time. Ice ages last 100,000 years and interglacials last 10,000. Our interglacial is already 10,000 years old and we should hope for warming, not cooling.
Let’s establish a CO2 Prize to reward the industry that adds the most to the atmosphere, to aid the biosphere (including us).
Sea ice may be expanding in Antarctica but this is at the cost of Antarctica’s continental ice. Antarctica’s continental ice is melting due to cold air being pulled off of Antarctica by powerful storms and ENSO events which are delivering warmer sea water to the continent. These storms are ironically caused by the ozone hole which is increasing winds in the Southern Ocean by as much as 20%. The large ozone hole over Antarctica was formed by the presence of Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) which were released into the atmosphere in high amounts by humans in the 20th century. As Antarctica’s continental ice, which is freshwater, melts away and drains into the Southern Ocean, it is suspended over the denser salt water much like oil floats on water. Freshwater has a higher freezing point than salt water and therefore it freezes before seawater does, creating higher volumes of Antarctic sea ice. Higher volumes of this sea ice is actually a sign that anthropogenic climate change is real because the ozone hole was caused by humans. Every year that more Antarctic continental ice melts the more, mostly freshwater, sea ice around the continent will thicken.
This was my main reputable source of information:
Not so fast…
[email protected] (sub required) is reporting a new analysis by Markus Rex, an atmosphere scientist at the Alfred Wegener Institute of Polar and Marine Research in Potsdam, Germany, which finds that the data for the break-down rate of a crucial molecule, dichlorine peroxide (Cl2O2) is almost an order of magnitude lower than the currently accepted rate.
“This must have far-reaching consequences,” Rex says. “If the measurements are correct we can basically no longer say we understand how ozone holes come into being.” What effect the results have on projections of the speed or extent of ozone depletion remains unclear.
The rapid photolysis of Cl2O2 is a key reaction in the chemical model of ozone destruction developed 20 years ago2 (see graphic). If the rate is substantially lower than previously thought, then it would not be possible to create enough aggressive chlorine radicals to explain the observed ozone losses at high latitudes, says Rex. The extent of the discrepancy became apparent only when he incorporated the new photolysis rate into a chemical model of ozone depletion. The result was a shock: at least 60% of ozone destruction at the poles seems to be due to an unknown mechanism, Rex told a meeting of stratosphere researchers in Bremen, Germany, last week.
Funny thing about science is that it is not truth, but the search for truth.
So what caused the high ice concentrations of the past? More heat?