Greens Discover A New Palm Tree Species

Palm Occasionalius

Sochi: The warmest Winter Olympics in history? A warm winter isn’t unusual for Sochi, a city often warm enough to support palm trees.


Sochi: The warmest Winter Olympics in history? | MNN – Mother Nature Network

Apparently the palm trees come and go with the moods of the weather.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Greens Discover A New Palm Tree Species

  1. The US skier who organised the letter worries that there is less snow in Vermont.

    Unfortunately, NOAA says there is more.

  2. gator69 says:

    After reading this, they discovered the Face Palm.

  3. Morgan says:

    I stopped listening to Vermont hippies when they elected a communist to the US senate, Bernie Sanders

  4. Rosco says:

    Hilarious really.

    Plockton in Scotland at 57 N has palm trees lining its streets – probably due to the Gulf Stream.

    Sochi is a mere 44 N and on the coast of the Black Sea – the Olympics are held miles away in the mountains.

    Are they deliberately twisting the facts – surely not ?

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