In Support Of Enhanced Background Checks

Anyone who thinks they control the climate is severely mentally ill, and should probably not be commander in chief.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to In Support Of Enhanced Background Checks

  1. Robertv says:

    He who controls the media and the school system and 97% of the scientists controls the weather.

  2. Morgan says:

    He’s a co2n artist, the co2mmander in chief of the co2sa nostra, out to destroy the co2al industry.

  3. Anto says:

    Obama is the ultimate cynic. He doesn’t believe in anything, let alone climate change. It’s just a convenient distraction from his real agenda of enriching himself and his friends.

  4. nigelf says:

    Had the media done a proper background check on Obama instead of giving him fellatio 24/7 we wouldn’t be in this mess.

  5. Edmonton Al says:

    @ Morgan………. very good.
    BTW .. Obama lost a case of beer to the Cdn PM over the women’s hockey.
    No matter what he tries, he fails. thus…. Obummer!

  6. Anto says:

    BTW .. Obama lost a case of beer to the Cdn PM over the women’s hockey.
    What’s the chances that he never paid up?

  7. gator69 says:

    The greeter at Walmart is more thoroughly vetted.

  8. Edmonton Al says:

    I will try to verify that…..;^)

  9. Pathway says:

    The first question on the background check for buying a fire arm should be did you vote democrat in the last election. If yes, purchase denied.

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