March 1936 Flood Covered Most Of The Eastern US

February, 1936 was a very similar month to this month – heavy snow and extreme cold. Once the snow started melting, most of the Eastern US flooded. The following summer was the hottest in US history.ScreenHunter_368 Feb. 23 11.36

Flood Situation by States – Flood Situation by States – View Article –

ScreenHunter_645 May. 30 20.00

ScreenHunter_647 May. 30 20.01


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to March 1936 Flood Covered Most Of The Eastern US

  1. policycritic says:

    I don’t know where you have found the time to search out the tremendous amount of historical material that you’ve been putting on your blog for the last few weeks, but I am impressed. A lot. I am trying to figure out a way to present your article clips and historical graphs in a Keynote or PowerPoint presentation to show at my friend’s kids’ high school. If I ever do it, I’ll send you a copy.

  2. Jimbo says:

    One year before in Australia we had these funny polar bears.

    Albury Banner and Wodonga Express – 6 September 1935
    The Nature Column How Zoo Animals Behave During Hot Weather THE POLAR BEAR JUST LOVES IT!
    …Tho odd thing is that usually it is those creatures which hail from the colder climes who feel the heat least, while those from the tropics are often quite incapacitated. The. polar bears, for instance, whom one would expect to be the first to seek the shade, laze about in tho hot test sunshine, on concrete which is sometimes so burning as to be unbear able to the bare hand; while apes and monkeys from the equator loll back in the shade as indolently as any human Weary Willie….

  3. Andy DC says:

    Then in April 1936, two tornadoes a day apart killed 450. Then July/August 1936 had by far the worst heat in American History.

  4. Pathway says:

    Workers Progress Administration. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it. Similar to Forward.

  5. David says:

    This year is more like 1977/78 weak solar cycle cold PDO. Agree massive flood coming to the Mississippi river valley am d the Northest. Look for late or unplanted corn anx wheat crops along with Clownifornia drought to worsen.

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