Mr Upside Down

Obama goes skeet shooting all the time, and normally horizontal. But he throws the football  towards overhead flying geese.

ScreenHunter_79 Feb. 02 15.42

ScreenHunter_78 Feb. 02 15.40

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Mr Upside Down

  1. geologyjim says:

    There’s a damn good reason they didn’t post a video of this charade. Anybody can look passingly competent in a self-selected still shot

    Mr Mom-Jeans would look like Barry on the Mound if action were included

  2. Okie says:

    I don’t see his shadow, so perhaps the camera hog’s presidency will end early.

  3. redc1c4 says:

    they’re both P-shops…

    Barry would *never* do anything that might muss his nails or his hair.

  4. Anto says:

    Other ideas for White House PR photos:

    – Obama performing an abortion
    – Obama showing someone who could be his son how to knockout punch
    – Obama blowing up a coal-fired power station
    – Obama changing snow to melting pavement
    – Obama counting the number of US States on 11.4 hands
    – Obama photoshopping a birth certificate
    – Obama seizing the keys from someone who didn’t build that small business
    – Obama signing up for Obamacare
    – Obama giving out Obamaphones in Cleveland

  5. Sundance says:

    The video demonstrates why girls resent 0bama being described as throwing like a girl. 🙂

  6. Edmonton Al says:

    What is the smoke going out at 90 degrees from the barrel?
    and why???

  7. He is aiming for Hope and Change in both pictures. It’s got to be somewhere, right?

  8. Brian H says:

    45° is the optimum distance angle. He’s attempting a Hail Mary.

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