My Toto Moment

I just got back from a bike ride in the foothills. The wind was blowing so hard, that I had to get off the bike and walk – going down a steep hill. The bike was acting like a kite in the cross wind, and I would have been thrown off into the ditch.

ScreenHunter_274 Feb. 21 13.14

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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20 Responses to My Toto Moment

  1. John says:

    It doesn’t seem like Kansas anymore what with all the deceivers and their stooges in the media and the government and the Secretary of State declaring global warming to be a weapon of mass destruction and the wicked witch saying “poppies…poppies” and putting the public to sleep. But here comes the good witch to make it snow.

  2. Lance says:

    Same thing up here in Alberta, we get some winds out of the mountains, and i just refuse to go riding, blowing like a gale sometimes….or, as happened to me several times last year while out on long bike rides, you head out with a head wind, thinking (foolishly) that you will have a tail wind on the return leg, only to have the wind do a 180 direction change!!! Rats….

    • Eric Simpson says:

      Lol on that one, of the wind doing a 180° on you. That’s some kind of reverse poetic justice for you. It’s nature’s way of getting a little laugh. Kind of like walking 5 miles to school and back in the snow, up hill both ways. Or the old chap sitting at the camp fire with smoke blowing in his face, when asked why he doesn’t move to another spot to get out of the smoke, says “if I moved, the smoke would just follow me.”

    • There Is No Substitute for Victory. says:

      “or, as happened to me several times last year while out on long bike rides, you head out with a head wind, thinking (foolishly) that you will have a tail wind on the return leg, only to have the wind do a 180 direction change!!! Rats…”

      Yea, wind is funny like that. After all Mother Nature is a woman and women are known to change their mind as well as their hair style at the drop of a hat.

    • Sundance says:

      This video makes a nice visual representation for the results we are witnessing from President Obama’s “Forward” campaign. 😉

  3. Just got done riding 3 miles in a nice, steady drizzle at 38°. Haven’t been this cold in a while (not even when it was -2° a few weeks ago).

    • Ernest Bush says:

      I’m getting ready to ride 6 miles on my exercise bicycle, which totally negates the wind problem. The real irony is that it is close to 70 degrees outside my door, but it is dead flat in most directions for miles and I like the hilly terrain courses my exercycle simulates. I am bragging in pointing out that I am 70 years old. Riding outside in strong winds where I live in Arizona means you better like grit in your teeth and wearing goggles.

  4. theyouk says:

    With all the CO2 in the air these days, air has much more mass per cubic foot. Thus, wind has much more energy–unless it’s powering a wind turbine, in which case the additional energy is lost when the blades strike endangered birds. (SARC)

  5. omanuel says:

    Climategate emails and documents were an unconscious “Toto Moment” that is only slowly being acknowledged in the scientific community.

    Almost immediately after Chapter 2 of my autobiography confronted the scientific community with nine pages of precise experimental data that falsify their standard models, . . .

    Experts changed their opinion about stellar energy and diplomatically claimed they already knew the truth 40 years ago.

  6. geran says:

    If we only had eleventy-million-gazillion more wind turbines, we could harness all that wind, shut down the coal burners, and save the planet.

    (Hopefully, no sarc tag needed.)

    • There Is No Substitute for Victory. says:

      Perhaps you are right. But my data says that the rotational torque from the mass of that many stators and armatures being spun by the wind will start the Earth wobbling on its axis and send the planet, Polar bears and all spinning off into outer space like a drunken Frisbee. This will result in an eventual collision with our Sun and the total destruction of Earth. Now if you good people will only lay a 7 figure salary on me I can prove this and save your life in… oh …. in about 45 years or when I turn 65, whichever occurs last.

      Sarcasm intended.

  7. You can’t fool me…that was a wicked old witch moment…you’re obviously in the pay of Big WOW…

  8. Judy F. says:

    A number of years ago ( I am not saying how many) when I attended CSU in Ft. Collins I had first hand experience of the strong wind events there. Some friends and I stood in the (drained for winter) pond on the west side of the student center. We jumped straight up in the air and the wind carried us up and out of the pond onto the coping on the side of the pond. If memory serves me, the pond was about 1 foot deep. I guess we were easily entertained back in the day.

  9. Edmonton Al says:

    Obama is going to slow down the wind.
    Oh no, he can’t becuz the wind farms will suffer….. sorry
    You will have to stop riding becuz you are pumping too much CO2 into the air.

  10. Sparks says:

    There is nothing funny about unicorn farts.

  11. Sundance says:

    Steve I am jealous of you and pissed that I am unable to do any biking here in Chicago. My life has been reduced to shoveling snow, removing snow from my roof and shoveling more snow. My life has become the winterized version of “Groundhog Day”. 😉

    • Ernest Bush says:

      I just saw a forecast that states you may continue this lifestyle change through March. You should start making early plans to move to Florida, Texas, or Southern Arizona. Stay out of California. /Sarc.

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