New York Times Says The Great Lakes Are Overheating From Mann-Made Global Warming

ScreenHunter_151 Feb. 04 19.32

Lake Superior, a Huge Natural Climate Change Gauge, Is Running a Fever –

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to New York Times Says The Great Lakes Are Overheating From Mann-Made Global Warming

  1. Gotta keep an eye on those anomalously large anomalies; they’re liable to anonymously atomize your anatomy if you’re not preternaturally vigilant.

  2. NikFromNYC says:

    As soon as Mr. Mann is had, skewered, revealed, he will announce that he is now Chelsea Mann, dammit.

  3. Psalmon says:

    I agree with the NYT, Superior is a huge natural climate change gauge that was at or below normal temperatures in 2013 with normal water levels.

  4. B.C. says:

    The upcoming rage at all the state fairs this year is going to be deep-fried Great Lakes ice-on-a-stick.

  5. R2Dtoo says:

    Hey- let’s invite them all for a swim next week.

  6. Andy Oz says:

    But the WMO says you’re burning up!!?
    Wow. I’d hate to see it really get cold in the USA.
    Of course if you cooled the past by 0.5 deg C then it will be 0.5 C “hotter” now.
    I think the WMO is “picking gnat shit out of pepper.”

  7. I’m not sure it’s fair to base weather predictions on a year as bizarre as this, it’s hard to imagine it becoming the norm

  8. Brian H says:

    July 19 article; wonder what they’d say now?

  9. Lake Huron is on the way out.

    Last chance to go swimming. Get your bathing suit out.

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