Obama Wants Your Electricity Bills To Skyrocket, Because He Cares About You


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Obama Wants Your Electricity Bills To Skyrocket, Because He Cares About You

  1. Chewer says:

    The weak minded progressive people respond quite well to fear and have been for thousands of years and actually find it quite addicting.
    The care this administration and close followers have is controlling you, all because they do have fears; fear of their neighbors, fear of the unknown, fear of overpopulation, fear of the weather, fears that haunt them from the constant bullshit they hear day in and day out…
    The weak have never prevailed, but they continue to think, this time will be different!

  2. A.D. Everard says:

    Is this “again”? He did that already, is he promising to skyrocket them to someplace even higher?

  3. Robertv says:

    O is a teleprompter puppet.

  4. Gail Combs says:

    The EPA is also doing its best to ban fireplaces and wood stoves. I guess Barry wants the USA to be just like the UK with 1/4 of the household in fuel poverty. With the true USA unemployment rate at ~24% the poverty levels are about equivalent.
    63,700,000 population
    569,024 total deaths in 2012
    30,000 excess winter deaths
    so about 5.2% of the UK deaths were do to fuel poverty.

    313,900,000 population
    2,500,000 total deaths
    If Obama follows the UK down the GoreBull Warming rabbit hole we can expect approximately
    132,000 excess winter deaths per year.

    To put that number in perspective:
    As of October 17, 2012, there were 2,012 U.S. military deaths in the war in Afghanistan.
    The US government has records of 58,220 U.S. military fatal casualties for the Vietnam War.

    So Obama’s War on Coal could kill twice as many people in ONE YEAR as were killed in the entire 18 years in Vietnam.

    WOW! Maybe it should be renamed Obama’s War on Poor.

  5. J says:

    But Obama is a WARRIOR of the middle class!

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