Monthly Archives: February 2014

NASA : Erasing Greenland’s Past

From 1920 to 1950, Greenland was rapidly melting and it was getting too hot for seals. 25 Jul 1952 – CLIMATIC CHANGE OPENS NEW ERA IN GREENLAND From … NASA has been working hard to erase the warm period in … Continue reading

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35 Years Ago, The Consensus Was Having Difficulty Choosing The Most Profitable Scam

09 Jan 1979 – Conflicting theories on change in world climate

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Shock News From 1993 : Insurance Companies Agree To Raise Premiums

04 Feb 1993 – INTERNATIONAL Greenpeace study highlights costs … 1993 was the coolest summer in US history, due to global warming.

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The Winter Of 1983 Was Almost 3C Warmer Than This Winter


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The Winter Of 1958 Was Almost 2C Warmer Than This Winter


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Winter Of 1962 Was Almost 2C Warmer Than This Winter


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Fun With Trolls

My latest twitter stalker is now doing an wonderful job of shooting himself in the foot. Steve Goddard (SteveSGoddard) on Twitter

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Killing Off The 1940 Spike

I’m very curious about the 1940 data tampering. Wigley and Jones said they wanted to get rid of the 1940 spike, and GISS has simply chopped it off since Hansen, 1981.  

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My Memories Of The 1936 Flood

Well, not exactly mine. My mother was a small child in 1936, and I was talking about the March 1936 flood with her last night. Then a bell rang and she said : Did Pennsylvania get flooded? I remember my … Continue reading

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Shock News : Wind Farms Cause Climate Change

Wind turbines extract kinetic energy from the air around them, and since less energy makes for weaker winds, turbines do indeed make it less windy. Technically speaking, the climate zone right behind a turbine (or behind all the turbines on … Continue reading

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