Monthly Archives: February 2014

Obama Accuses Fox News Of Behaving Like A News Agency

Obama also took on Fox News Channel when O’Reilly asked him about reports the IRS was investigating Tea Party-related groups for political reasons. “These kind of things keep resurfacing in part because you and your TV station will promote them” … Continue reading

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Being Joe Romm

Joe Romm was a key player in the Clinton/Lewinsky/Gore/Hillary White House, and now runs one of the most wildly dishonest blogs on the Internet. Groundhog Decade: We’re Stuck In A Movie Where It’s Always The Hottest Decade On Record | … Continue reading

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Broncos Get The Hat Trick

Broncos now have the three worst Superbowls in history. Impressive. XXIV San Francisco 55, Denver 10 XLVIII Seattle 43, Denver 8 XXII Washington 42, Denver 10

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Probably ….. No

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Mr Upside Down

Obama goes skeet shooting all the time, and normally horizontal. But he throws the football  towards overhead flying geese.

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1950 : Polar Ice Vanishing – Only Thin, Rotten Ice Remains

04 Mar 1950 – It’s even hotter near the pole

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Ever Wonder Why Climate Scientists Like To Start Graphs In the 1970’s ? (Part 2)

Prior to NASA and NOAA rewriting the temperature record, the late 1960’s were colder than the late 1890’s.

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NASA Has Erased Almost The Entire Global Cooling Scare

Black is the 1975 National Academy of Sciences graph. Red is GISS Northern Hemisphere temperatures. Mosher says it is all first rate science.

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Too Bad The Game Isn’t In Denver Today

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What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

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