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How many laws has Phil Jones broken? according to the Telegraph story in 2010 it would be quite a few. What happened? A slap on the wrist and a massive whinge about him being a victim! This after he and other alarmists celebrated the death of a skeptic. If true then he is a sociopath of the first order. He could have followed his eugenics theology and done us all a favour.
Phil Jones quote:
“If the MWP was shown to be global in extent and as warm or warmer than today (based on an equivalent coverage over the NH and SH) then obviously the late-20th century warmth would not be unprecedented,” Jones said.
That’s why they needed to massively cool the past and heat the present. If they didn’t, the whole scam comes undone, and the trillions in carbon credits evaporate. That could not be allowed to happen. I wouldn’t be surprised if politicians have been taking kickbacks in Australia, UK and Europe. Australian Senate inquiries into BOM data destruction have been obstructed. Why? Money is the only reason that would happen.
It could also be face – and the Pod People not taking real people seriously
Who needs the MWP? What about the Roman and much bigger one about 1200 BCE?
And dozens of others before then?
No fishing in the Great Lakes though as surface ice is closing in
That is what the Ice Fishing Saw is for. IMAGE
I’ve never seen this much ice on Lake Michigan before. Lake Huron has an ice-free zone that usually doesn’t close up. It’s like a diabetic ulcer. The lake is deep there.
I lied. Huron is 100% frozen now, no diabetic ulcer. Joins Erie and Superior.
Michigan on the way out but not likely 100%. Ontario won’t freeze, never does.
Bunny Boots–Military issue. One pair of socks nothing else, but must have enough air in boot to insulate. 40 below, sit still and stay warm.
No Shipping
11 dead, 1,200 injured as Japan hit by heaviest snow in decades
As much as 27 centimeters (10.6 inches) of snow was recorded in Tokyo by late Saturday, the heaviest fall in the capital for 45 years, according to meteorologists.
The climate scientific method at its best. Define your pre-conceived conclusions first, then spend billions of dollars inventing ways to get there.
@Phil Jones: “The assumtion was that after WW2 they were all intake measurements…”
__Wrong! Merchant shipping used ‘special bucket sampler for SST measurments” well until the 1960s.
@About “To kill off Global Cooling”,
__Phil Jones would haveto make the Newsweek article “The Cooling World” (18May1975) undone, with an image of the aeras of the Earth affected by ‘Climate Change’ since 1940:
In a sane world, these blatant frauds would be rotting in prisons for racketeering and conspiracy convictions. The Third Reich and the Lysenkoists had nothing on this band of genocidal, power-hungry thugs. Hopefully, history will damn them to the deepest levels of Dante’s Inferno. If not, there is no hope for the human race.
This of course shows just that more clearly–to anyone who understands that changing the data to fit a failing model is not science at all–the criminality behind the politicized global warming narrative. The problem is dealing with that criminality, which has been guided and protected by the political Left and which has suborned all of our once-authoritative institutions, including both the educational and the mass media. Federal and state governments are too insensitive to the need for dispassionate adherence to the truth in science, and to the long-term cost to society–to civilization itself–of the fundamental perversion of science. Scientists are too specialized, and academics just as uncaring as politicians, of critics outside of their ranks. None of the nominal, recognized experts, in either politics or science, understand that the system is broken and their assumptions about their fellow experts in the other of these two critical sectors are no longer valid; politicians think highly-placed scientists know what they are talking about in their field, and the same goes for scientists’ thinking about highly-placed politicians working in their area of supposed expertise–making reasonable laws, that is.
As per usual, Global Warming Deniers are inventing more conspiracies.
Despite the fantasies of Global Warming Deniers, the earth continues to warm at the rate of 4 Hiroshima atomic bombs per second – running 24/7 – including the years from 1998 to present.
Earth’s Rate Of Global Warming Is 400,000 Hiroshima Bombs A Day
2005 was warmer than any previous year. Then 2010 broke the 2005 record. Data at:
NOAA/National Climate Data Center
2012 was the warmest year on record for the United States.
Sea level continues to rise due to thermal expansion and glacial melting. The current rate of sea level rise has quadrupled since the 1870 to 1924 period.
Columbia University
Glaciers continue to melt, and the rate of melting has accelerated since 1998.
World Glacier Monitoring Service
Ocean heating has accelerated sharply since 1998. Graph at:
Full peer reviewed paper at:
Up to date info at:
NOAA/National Oceanographic Data Center (click on “2”)
And finally, November 2013 just set a record for the warmest November in history.
NOAA/National Climate Data Center
More at:
Did you have your lobotomy recently?
This is a typical brainless presentation by a warmist who fails to include TRENDS and IPCC predictions.
Oooh! He’s talking in ATOMIC BOMB units! Now we know it MUST be serious!
Pfft, lol.
This is hilarious. When I started reading this, I thought that Butler was citing these references to indicate that the ridiculous warmists were still claiming massive temperature rises and so forth, despite the cold weather. But no, he’s just another koolaid drinker determined to show us ‘evidence’ that contradicts the snow on the ground and freezing weather!
This gets better and better. One result of AGW is that the sheer inanity of the Left is in full display.
“in” -> “on”
LOL !! The entire SS article database … sorry, propaganda index. Billy Bunting needs special care.
I suggest you do a reality check:
The Northern Hemisphere is having RECORD COLD and RECORD SNOW!
NWS reports snow so far in 2014 has far exceeded the worst winter in 1978. In Detroit, 6 of the last 14 years are in the top 20 snowiest winters on record.
From the news this February, that is just the last nine days:
Record snowfall (almost 7 ft) in northern Iran: In Savadkouh, 40 to 50 homes have been crushed by heavy snow.
11 dead, 1,200 injured as Japan hit by heaviest snow in decades: reports
Continuous snowstorms in northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region have killed more than 300 livestock and disrupted the lives of 13,000 people, the local government said Saturday.
Houses in Austria were buried under a thick blanket of snow, …Using the downdraft of helicopters to dislodge heavy snow from the trees.
Record snowfall in Italy traps people in their homes
More record lows in Alberta
Record lows for British Columbia
Lake Superior sets new ice-cover record
Slovenia – ‘Worst devastation in living memory’: In and around the the city of Postojna, in the west, people used axes to try to free their cars from ice 15 cm (6 inches) thick.
U.S. – Ice storm knocks out power to more than a million customers
The Fact is all four land based measurements (Hadcrut4 etc) and the two Satellite records UAH and RSS show that world wide there has not been much change over the last year. Comments made about Nov being a record warm are cherry picked.
The Chairman of the IPCC and all reputable sciences have agreed that there has been no atmospheric warming for the last 15 to 17 years as predicted by models.
The current cold wave in the US does not mean warming or cooling, just as all the cheery picked and absurd warmist data means nothing (The US has only 2% of the earth surface. So when it gets warm one place, it gets cool in another.
This year the jet stream has wobbled to the south of us, so we are getting a lot of Arctic air.
For the MSM, bad news is good news and good news is no news and many reporters have simply permanently married up with certain extreme climate scientists, so they can be at the ready for the next junk.
Also, I have found that perhaps 80 to 90 per cent of scientists that call themselves climate scientists know nothing of atmospheric or oceanic science.
As to NASA, I am not sure what is happening, neither do some of the scientists I know that work there. I wonder if Gavin S. is going to take over the helm..
Bill as brainless as zombie.
4 Hiroshimas? How many Chris Turney’s did the sea ice increase by?
When the Gorebots (and snarky minor gurus too) come haunting here, spreading their boilerplate faux naive smoke screens, it reveals abject panic in the secret treehouse forum and WUWT creepy orbiter Borg blogs. His sea level link applies the same brazen deception as NASA’s own web site, refusing to simply reveal the Scientific Method 101 fact of how a simple peer reviewed average of world tide gauges shows utterly no trend change in 150 years, falsifying their *virtual* sea level charts that correct data away from reality on the ground rather than better towards it, as normal science demands:
“…..the earth continues to warm at the rate of 4 Hiroshima atomic bombs per second…”
Wouldn’t all those atomic bombs result in a nuclear winter? Wait….you might be on to something Bill – nuclear winter would certainly explain the record cold 2014 NH land temps and record snowfall this winter (I wish we still had car antennas – we could put tennis balls on them so we could see other cars at intersections). Your nuclear winter theory would also explain current record Antarctic ice build-up as summer in the SH draws to a close, not to mention the 50% Arctic ice increase since last year. Maybe those carbon based atomic bombs aren’t so bad after all. Kudos Bill – Your nuclear winter theory makes as much sense as all the other lame psuedo-science explaining away the global warming ‘pause’ that NO model predicted.
Noticed you mostly cited recent NOAA data directly or indirectly through communist leaning sites. Bwahahahahahahahaha. Fool!
Steve, maybe you should write a book titled “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Climate Science Fraud and Corruption”. Then when one of these people comes along you just refer them to the book on Amazon and tell them to come back if they have any questions.
It would save you a lot of time, and you might make a few bucks.
it’s been below 32F for 65 days and generally below 0F I wish the warmest would come up here and help warm the UP of Michigan I can hear the wind mooning outside it may even be above 0F of course it is noon, the starving deer need a little corn, must close
Billy Bunter lists off his Warmist Climate Catechism directly below a document which shows fraudulent or at least deliberately deceptive behaviour on the part of the ‘scientists’ involved…is this irony…or just stupidity?
It’s ironic stupidity. It’s an inherent trait of those who worship at the altar of the Church of the Wholly Mann-Made Goreacle.
It is corruption. They get PAID! And we the tax payers are footing the bill.
The Climategate e-mails along with a lot of other statements make it obvious.
In September 1995, Catherine Bertini, Executive Director of the United Nations World Food Program, and former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, stated “Food is power. We use it to change behavior. Some may call that bribery. We do not apologize.” UN’s 4th World Conference on Women: Beijing, China.
CAGW is exactly the same They are using it to change behavior.
Gail, I left a comment for you at Holdren’s thing. Thanks for the Holdren/Erlich quotes.
Do you know where Holdren talked of the possibility of a giant iceberg breaking off Antarctica causing a huge tsunami with untold damage?