Probably ….. No

ScreenHunter_80 Feb. 02 17.43

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Probably ….. No

  1. geran says:

    Dear Mr. Super Bowl Commissioner,

    Sorry, but we will be arriving late. Please go ahead and start the game without us.



  2. Anything is possible says:

    “Waah! These nasty D-lineman are trying to dump me on my ass!”

    Peyton is almost as big a fraud as Tom Brady…..

  3. Bob Greene says:

    29-0. P. Manning and Brady are probably the two best quarterbacks in the NFL. The Seattle D has been the superior group. As much as I like Manning, Seattle has 3 of the 4 NC State Alums on the field, so I’m sticking with the Wolfpack majority.

    4 TD’s is a ways for Manning to come back, but if they get in the groove….

  4. slimething says:

    I turned to the game off.

  5. Dave N says:

    It’s like watching Australia vs England in cricket

  6. Andy Oz says:

    Payton Manning 1 Super Bowl win versus
    Joe Montana 4 wins
    Tom Brady 3 wins
    Troy Aikman 3 wins
    Bart Starr 2 wins and 5 NFL championships
    Eli Manning 2 wins

    I’m not sure if Payton would make the top 10!

    • Justa Joe says:

      I never get the Peyton is the greatest ever argument. If you’re going to rate Peyton #1 I presume that you have to rate Dan Marino #2.

  7. As a disinterested observer, I note 67% say “yes”; but as I recall it has been so ever since he first appeared on the NFL scene–rather like Obama and his Nobel Prize.

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