Professor Trapped In Ice – Says Deniers Are Blocking Desperately Needed Climate Action

ScreenHunter_310 Feb. 07 10.45

We must acknowledge global warming, and act -Times Online

ScreenHunter_311 Feb. 07 10.50

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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20 Responses to Professor Trapped In Ice – Says Deniers Are Blocking Desperately Needed Climate Action

  1. Ben says:

    Great job juxtaposing the words with the image.

    When our esteemed dictator gave the “arrogant” speech in Europe, I superimposed his blasphemy over an image of the gravestones at Lorraine-Normandy, France

  2. gator69 says:

    “The climate system is more sensitive to green house gases than we might like to acknowledge”

    So who exactly needs to read up on the latest science? Sensitivity levels are on their way, have been going down, and are dropping constantly. There is no need for alarm.

    • Jimbo says:

      The article was from 2007.

      I would like to hear his current view on how sensitive the climate system is.

    • “Given that it’s not really my area of expertise, I was basing those statements on the large body of well-founded, peer-reviewed papers. I prefer to concentrate on the ‘ill-advised showboating’ part of the science, & let the experts take care of those scarey numbery things.”

  3. rw says:

    And this is why Lubos Motl is right – he should have been left out there.

    • Even 2500 years ago, they knew it was the Right Thing To Do®:
      “Then said they unto him, What shall we do unto thee, that the sea may be calm unto us? for the sea wrought, and was tempestuous. And he said unto them, Take me up, and cast me forth into the sea; so shall the sea be calm unto you: for I know that for my sake this great tempest is upon you.”

  4. Robertv says:

    Antarctic summer melt coming to a halt.

    2014, 02, 04, 4.28011,
    2013, 02, 04, 3.99590,
    2014, 02, 05, 4.21615,
    2013, 02, 05, 3.93091,
    2014, 02, 06, 4.20266,
    2013, 02, 06, 3.91217,

    Antactic Stations Desperately Need Supply Before Blocking Sea Ice Gets Too Thick.

  5. Later Turney would discover the real way to “get ourselves out of the mess we’ve created” – call in icebreakers and rescue vessels.

  6. Andy DC says:

    “Urgent measures we so desperately need.” Nothing like a little fearmongering when absolutely nothing is happening. It is continued funding that the alarmists deperately need.

    • Gail Combs says:

      What the Chris(tmas) Turkey needed was a mother and father who understood what the word discipline meant. Spoiled rotten and not fit for consumption describes him and his words.

  7. Andy Oz says:

    Australian’s know that climate changes ( who doesn’t) and we don’t care about it. We also know carbon taxes don’t effect climate and we sacked the communist government bozos and their climate scientist lackeys who lied to them about it. We know that Australia is a “sunburnt country, of drought and flooding rains” and we love it.
    Alarmists want us all to be alarmed, and then want us to give all our money to them.
    This is what makes me “mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore.” Liars, cheats and money grubbing bastards they are. Dress up the CAGW pig anyway you want but it is still a pig. (apologies Steve, for the spleen venting)

    • Andy Oz says:

      I try to avoid the guardian because it is out and out left wing, but here is how the Guardian manipulates the propaganda. People who “don’t believe in climate change” and people who do believe in “Global Warming”.
      What a mob of galahs.

      “The number of Americans who do not believe in climate change has been on the rise since early 2013, according to a Yale study. Twenty three percent of Americans were dismissive of global warming in November 2013, up from 16 percent in April 2013. The number who believe in global warming has held fast at 63 percent, and the number who say they are unsure has dropped from 20 percent to 14 percent.”

      • Andy Oz says:

        More crazy “Research”. Just mention “linked to climate change” and you get your grant money to nick off to Peru for a few months or years, enjoy Pisco Sours, eat some coca leaves and write some bullshit report. Crikey!

      • Gail Combs says:

        Here are the results of other polls

        Over the past decade, the Gallup organization has been asking Americans whether the seriousness of global warming is generally exaggerated or generally correct. From 1998 to 2007, except for the run-up to the 2004 election, they said it was generally serious by roughly a 2-1 margin — 66 to 30 percent in 2006, for example. But in March 2009, that margin slipped to only 57 to 41 percent, with two-thirds of Republicans and nearly half of independents saying concern is exaggerated.

        Similarly, last month, pollster Scott Rasmussen found that only 34 percent believes that global warming is caused by human activity, while 48 percent said it is caused by long-term planetary trends. That’s almost exactly the opposite of what he found 12 months before — 47 to 34 percent the other way around. However, 48 percent of the group Rasmussen calls the “Political Class” — in other words, the elite — continues to believe global warming is man-made.

        The liberal elite is less interested in giving up its luxuries (Al Gore purchases carbon offsets to compensate for his huge mansion and private jet travel) than in changing the lifestyle of the masses….

        Ordinary Americans are seen not as responsible fellow citizens building stable communities but as greedy masses, who must be disciplined to live according to the elite’s religious dogmas.

        It should not be completely surprising that over time, these views have become less congenial to the masses, who are the object of such condescension. Democratic officeholders, who must live by the discipline of the ballot, have noticed.

  8. Chewer says:

    His trip cost quite a bit more than the Team Twisted (AKA Last First) rowers in the Arctic.
    It’s all great humor and I can hardly wait till the next episode 😉
    I still can’t decide if these folks have low IQ’s, huge egos or a neurosis of sorts???

    • Gail Combs says:

      Any bets that the Chris(tmas) Turkey ignored the Ship Captain’s orders and disappeared for two and 1/2 hours so Janet Rice, Green Party elect, could get some good photos Ops to go with the ‘Scientific Studies’ that CAGW is worse than we thought?

      From the University of New South Wales (home of the Turkey) comes this study from Dr. Steven Sherwood:
      December 31, 2013 Solution to cloud riddle reveals hotter future: Global temperatures to rise at least 4 degrees C by 2100

      2014 Jan 29 Counting Your Penguin Chicks Before They Hatch

      • Rosco says:

        I saw a report that the Ship’s captain said exactly that in an official interview with his superiors and the ships insurers. Seems to have mysteriously disappeared now – isn’t that unusual ?

        The claim was the captain correctly responded to a warning of an impending wind direction change and he instructed Turney to proceed to the island and bring everyone back as soon as possible.

        Instead, Turney had six extra people he promised to take to the island and he simply did so – and he did not return for a couple of hours. As a result several trips were required to ferry everyone back to the ship.

        When they finally got everyone back the ship failed to break free.

        The report also said the story had been verified by other crew and supposedly an independent passenger.

        If true expect all hell to break out in the legal manoeuvrings over the compensation claim – I can’t see either the ship’s owners or insurers parting with one penny of compensation.

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