Shock News : Scientists Say California Was Not Habitable Prior To The Hockey Stick

BEGINNING about 1,100 years ago, what is now California baked in two droughts, the first lasting 220 years and the second 140 years. Each was much more intense than the mere six-year dry spells that afflict modern California from time to time, new studies of past climates show. The findings suggest, in fact, that relatively wet periods like the 20th century have been the exception rather than the rule in California for at least the last 3,500 years

Severe Ancient Droughts: A Warning to California – New York Times

Every person in LA owes Mikey Mann a debt of gratitude for creating the hockey stick, and making their city the lovely place it is today.

ScreenHunter_09 Feb. 01 08.00

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Shock News : Scientists Say California Was Not Habitable Prior To The Hockey Stick

  1. gator69 says:

    Just how did the Delta Smelt survive? 😉

  2. Bob Knows says:

    Southern California is a desert. Always has been DUH! Desalination towers is what they need to be working on.

  3. Don B says:

    “Historical climate studies reveal that, over the last two millennia, California has experienced major and sudden shifts in the frequency and severity of droughts. In the Middle Ages, two dry spells lasted more than 140 years and 220 years, respectively, albeit with intermittent wet periods. The frequency of statewide droughts over the last 150 years, moreover, has been below average. In some centuries, California has suffered from as many as a dozen major multiyear droughts.”

  4. Gail Combs says:

    The worse part of a prolonged California drought is the eco-nuts now corralled in that state will move to other states. Texas is already becoming over run.

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