When I moved here 20 years ago, we used to play soccer all winter long. Winter temperatures have plummeted since then, and we now have snow on the ground for months at a time. Last year the snow didn’t melt until mid-May.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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Time to take up cross country skiing 😉
Time to take up ice fishing and subsistence hunting below the edge of the ice sheets.
Time to move to an equatorial region that doesn’t try to kill you with cold weather for months on end.
Well, we always have greenland golf as an alternative.
I have a new glacier forming off my back patio, but experts predict I will be ice free come June.
I can’t high jump worth a hoot any more, but I don’t whine about it…and I never did get my own plane (REE-REE-REE!..the psychological agony is unbearable)
Just for kicks, you should present four graphs, one for each season…
You small furry creatures are so excitable…(which, oddly, reminds me of the big, silly collie, named Bobo, my sister once owned).
Back on the meds Harry!!
The last Little Ice Age began with an increase in storms and flooding on the European region. It ‘a coincidence that under a low solar activity record we are having now the same phenomenon? http://piccolaeraglaciale.wordpress.com/2014/02/08/una-legione-di-grandi-tempeste-precede-il-grande-freddo/
LMAO, for soccer fans
ooops, wrong link…hold on
Where can you find archived temperature data for Fort Collins? I’d like to respond to this
I think I found it here http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cdo-web/
Forget that cdo-web site. It’s more useless than the Obamacare web site. I got the daily file that Steve sent me to. For anyone else interested, you might want to grab
to understand the format
The number of 90 degree days in Fort Collins has increased quite a bit. There was a step up in 2000 and it has never gone back down.
Google Earth history shows significant change to surroundings of the weather station between 10/3/1999 and 7/27/2002. From grass/trees to bare dirt.
It is now in the middle of a parking lot
Kicking an ice-cold, hardened soccer ball hurts. Try it.