The First Glimmer Of Sanity About Wind Power

ScreenHunter_18 Feb. 01 09.09

A Possible First: Lawsuit Over Birds Stops Federal Wind Energy Project | Wind | ReWire | KCET

h/t to Dave G

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to The First Glimmer Of Sanity About Wind Power

  1. Otter says:

    We’re more or less directly across Lake Erie from there, and 77 600-foot wind turbines slated for our area, 8 within two kilometers of us, at least 20 of them visible to us from all directions, should they be built. Here’s hoping this helps shut those down, also.

  2. bubbagyro says:

    The bats that eat our disease-riddled mosquitoes also thank the plaintiffs.

  3. Pathway says:

    Ground nesting birds abandoned their nesting area when when wind mills are installed. The shadow of the blades makes them think it is a predatory bird coming by to swoop them up.

  4. bubbagyro says:

    An old proverb:

    “May all your energy sources be well-contained and mostly underground.”

  5. D. Self says:

    Gotta keep those GE turbine contracts going. Obama will step in to allow more shredding of our migratory birds just so he can payback his bundlers.

  6. Rosco says:

    Already happened here years ago – 2006 – endangered Orange Bellied Parrot habitat threat stops wind farm project.

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