Almost No Warming Since Broncos Got Thrashed In The 1990 Superbowl

In 1990, the Broncos lost the Superbowl 55-10 to San Francisco (they scored two more than 2014.) Since then, there has been almost no warming on the planet. The graph below removes the Pinatubo cooled years of 1992-1994.

Note that there is very little difference between 1991, 1995, 2009, 2011, 2012 and 2013.

ScreenHunter_290 Feb. 07 07.48


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to Almost No Warming Since Broncos Got Thrashed In The 1990 Superbowl

  1. Brian Hall says:

    Legends, Steve. What are the colours for?

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