This Is Not A Hockey Stick

There is a pattern to the weather, but it has nothing to do with a hockey stick. US February maximum temperatures are plummeting, and are the coldest since 1936.

It is maddening to have my tax dollars go to scumbags at NOAA and NASA, so they can be paid to lie to us.

ScreenHunter_220 Feb. 20 11.33

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to This Is Not A Hockey Stick

  1. BobW in NC says:

    Drawing an imaginary “trend” line through the data…hey – the temps peaked in the 40s and are now on their way down. Did I get that right? Which – means – No. Global. Warming…

  2. Andy DC says:

    Just wait until next week, when the the dreaded Polar Vortex pays yet another visit. Normally temepatures rise during the last week of February. Not this year!

  3. Luke of the D says:

    War is peace.
    Freedom is slavery.
    Ignorance is strength.
    Up is down.
    Cold is warm.

  4. D. Self says:

    The State Run Media and Public Schools praise NASA and NOAA as masters of integrity and truth. When they are blatant liars.

  5. Psalmon says:

    Turns out Brian Walsh at Time Magazine is still denying it’s cold:

  6. Psalmon says:

    The new talking point is:

    “Well, temperatures are only a few tenths of a degree below normal, so it’s not that cold.”

    However, for years they have been telling us a rise in global temperatures of a few tenths over decades will kill us all.

  7. phodges says:

    It is maddening to have my tax dollars go to scumbags at NOAA and NASA, so they can be paid to lie to us.

    Not to mention to sadistic murderers in Syria and Kiev…and billions to the banksters

  8. JD says:

    What is this a graph of? Max temperatures across all stations, in February? What would that give you?

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